All throughout 2024 — just as in years past, Stroud National Agency, Inc. held monthly new business drawings for our agents. 12 months, 12 opportunities to win and get in the running for an end-of-year $1,000 grand prize drawing.
Now 2024 is gone, and 2025 is off to a flying start, but there’s one more task left to complete to truly close out the year that was: announcing our 2024 Grand Prize Winner!
In touch with tradition:
This end-of-year grand prize drawing is a tradition that has been in place at Stroud National Agency, Inc. for longer than most people can even recall. The specifics have changed a bit over time, but essentially, 12 times a year, we’ve placed in a container the names of every agency that wrote business in a given month and made a blind drawing of two names. Those lucky winners each receive a $100 gift card and are also entered in this end-of-year drawing.
Our motivation:
What motivates us to carry this tradition into 2025 and beyond? It mainly comes down to recognizing the effort and dedication that our agents and their teams put into writing business with us. We know Stroud National is one of many choices for our agents’ business and we’re grateful that they continue to choose us year after year. We’re also firm believers in the power of friendly competition to keep everyone motivated and striving for even greater success.
The big winner:
We are delighted to announce that our $1,000 2024 Grand Prize Winner is…
First State Insurance of Gothenburg, NE 🏆🎉 🙌
Carrying On:
First State Insurance, all of us in the “Stroud Crowd”, send our warmest congratulations on your win! We hope your team gets to do something fun with the prize money you put so much effort into earning.
A huge thank you is also in order for all of our agents and your teams for trusting the Stroud Crowd with your business and keeping us busy!
And if you weren’t lucky in 2024, remember that 2025 brings 12 more opportunities to shine and win big!
For a recap of past drawing winners, please visit our New Business Drawing Archive. You can also stay tuned for more updates and be one of the first to know about our future drawings and winners by visiting our News page and following us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
About Stroud National Agency, Inc.:
Stroud National Agency, Inc. is a managing general agency (MGA) offering farm and ranch, irrigation, and business owner (BOP) coverage in the states of TX, OK, KS, NE, NM, AR, AZ, CO, IA, ID, MN, MO, MT, ND, OR, SD, UT, and WY through a network of independent insurance agencies. To learn more about the benefits of working with us, please visit our Why Stroud? page, . To learn where you can write with us, please visit our Where is Stroud? page, .
#EndOfYearDrawing #NewBusiness #GrandPrizeWinner #Congratulations #PropertyAndCasualty #InsuranceAgent #FarmAndRanchInsurance #IrrigationInsurance #SmallBusinessInsurance #StroudNationalAgency